Submission Guidelines
● Please submit the abstract (less than 300 words) and 2-page extended abstract before the deadline.
● The abstract should include title, author's name and affiliation, key words and summarize the research purpose, method, process, and results of the study, and should not contain figures and tables.
● The 2-page extended abstract template can be found on the website: Extended abstract should not exceed 2 pages.
● The abstract and extended abstract should be prepared in English and submitted online in Microsoft Word format through the website.
● The submitted extended abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee based on their originality, advancement, innovation and practical significance. The acceptance of extended abstracts will be notified via email.
2-page extended abstract after acceptance will be included in the proceedings of the 75th World Foundry Congress.
Contact us Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) Li Shiying/You Yi +86 24 25877030 / +86 24 25855793 |